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Urban Leasing Law of 2019: How it affects landlord and tenant









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The Urban Leases Law protects the owner and tenant in the rental of habitual residences in Spain. How does the new law affect you? Learn about the most important points of the latest LAU update of 2019.

The LAU regulates rental contracts for habitual residences in Spain. It was Romania Mobile Number List published for the first time in 1964, although it has undergone substantial modifications over the years.

But what is the current Urban Leasing Law ? We are currently drafting Law 29/1994, with its latest update according to Royal Decree-Law 7/2019.

And what is the Urban Leasing Law for ? The 2019 LAU has two main objectives:

Guarantee greater protection and security for tenants compared to previous laws.
Make the rental market more flexible , at a time when the demand for rental apartments is greater than the supply of available homes.
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What is the minimum contract duration?
This is what article 9 of the new Urban Leases Law says about the duration of the rental contract :

If the owner is a natural person, the rental will have a minimum of 5 years .
If the owner is a legal entity, the minimum will be 7 years .
If the contract is less than this time, it must be extended annually until the minimum is reached.

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This is one of the biggest changes compared to the LAU of 2013 , in which contracts were for a minimum of 3 years.

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Is it possible to extend the contract?
Yes, up to three automatic annual extensions will be made after the contract expiration date, according to article 10 of the LAU.

You can oppose the renewals, within these notification periods:

Two months in advance , in the case of the tenant.
Four months before the expiration of the contract, in the case of the owner.
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The 2013 LAU only contemplated the extension of 1 year after expiration and with a shorter notification period of 1 month.

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Can I end the rental contract early?
Yes, both the tenant and the owner have the possibility of terminating the rental contract early.

Below we tell you the reasons for terminating the contract in each case:

If you are the tenant:
With 1 month's notice, you can terminate the contract without justification .
A period of 6 months of permanence is established from the signing of the contract. In the event of non-compliance, the owner may keep the deposit.


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