Would take you much longer to solve the problem than with the help of a co-worker. Therefore, by having better interpersonal relationships, employees can also increase productivity levels. Improvement of the organizational climate The organizational climate is an indicator that aims to measure the satisfaction and perception of a company's employees in relation to the work environment in which they operate. When there is no collaboration and respect, the organizational climate can become heavier and more negative. People end up feeling more isolated and sad, after all, a day to day with good communication and partnership contributes to a lighter and more positive climate. More efficient communication Strengthening interpersonal relationships at work is essential to working on more assertive communication. People who have difficulty communicating may end up making more mistakes and cannot be as efficient working as a team. Therefore, fostering good relationships between employees is essential to ensure more effective and transparent communication.
What is the role of leaders in interpersonal relationships? Interpersonal relationships involve a very important figure within the company: the leader . This is because this is the central figure of a team, responsible for uniting team members and ensuring that people connect, collaborate with each other, help each other and work together towards common goals. Therefore, leaders are a focal point when we are talking about the need to cultivate interpersonal relationships at work. Next, check out how these professionals can contribute to strengthening connections between people within the DM Databases company: Active listening Active listening concerns truly listening to what the other person is communicating, that is, being able to receive a message carefully and interpret the information received. If we are talking about the importance of strengthening relationships between people, active listening is essential, as it helps to build this bond. When a leader actively listens, it means that he really cares about listening to what his people have to say and encourages this same behavior among them. This is an important skill for meetings, feedback or even casual conversations.

Remember: an interpersonal relationship is a two-way street, so there must be an interest in listening and talking on both sides. Respect One of the great challenges of interpersonal relationships is having to deal with differences. People have visions, values and ways of acting that can be very conflicting, but in a work environment you need to be prepared to deal with this kind of thing. An authoritarian and closed attitude towards diversity can be very harmful for building healthy and lasting relationships. It is necessary to work on respect for differences and tolerance so that everyone feels comfortable expressing opinions and ideas. Accepting different views is a way of learning and allowing yourself to develop, as well as being one of the main ingredients for creating connections with people. A leader must be that person who, in addition to respecting diversity, also encourages team members to act in the same way to create a more respectful and inclusive environment. Positive attitude Extremely negative and pessimistic people do not contribute to good relationships and a healthy organizational climate.