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This includes several of our internal training courses









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We believe that we have developed significantly, and the new people who joined our team have strengthened our key competencies. At the beginning of , we introduced a weekly newsletter, which provides the most important information from all departments, statuses of ongoing projects and forecasts. This is a tool that works great. We also conducted our first webinars and a podcast appeared.

I encourage you to regularly listen to the broadcasts, which you can find here Podcast of Japan Phone Numbers 75 Million List the internet marketing agency PEOPLE . We also ensure systematic, frequent online contact through a series of meetings , both for the entire team and for individual departments or project teams. We also organize online meetings after work for those interested, where we can spend time together, e.g. over a beer. I think that an important element that helped us function during the pandemic were a series of training and workshops conducted with the help of an external company, which we started in . They helped us both in communication and in our daily work better.

PEOPLE  online meeting In , our team took part in  training courses and conferences both in Poland and abroad. . In , of course, it was impossible to repeat this result, but we participated in countless webinars and online training, and several of them we conducted ourselves. The team of the PEOPLE internet marketing agency The introduction of the remote work model has completely changed the labor market. This is clearly visible in the number of offers with the possibility of remote work in our industry. This model creates new opportunities, but also challenges. Onboarding new people and building relationships in the team is much more difficult in a home office. During the pandemic, our team expanded by  people.


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