Recall that the lid magnet is a free material that is useful and interesting to the target audience.
This is an opportunity to insulate a cold audience and warm on to further purchase, its ultimate goal is to sell.
Read more about the creation of a lide-magnet, read in our article: “How to create and run a selling lide-magnet?”
Create a multilink for free
Multi-link with stunning design. A Lunch of blocks. It's all free.
Create free
Today we will analyze: “27 ideas shopify website design of selling lide-magnets for different niches of business”.
1. Discount on the product/copon/promo code.
Universal option for any business (offline and online) Can be issued to new customers, can be used to increase the rim of repurchases, also agree with partners from related niches to mutually offer your discounts/coupons/promotogo to customers.
2. Probe of the product.
It is mainly used in commodity niches, especially relevant for cosmetics/parfumery/bad stores.
3. Test drive of service/course.
You can offer customers one of the course lessons / or invite to a free trial service (work for children / adults, consultation, apartment cleaning, manicure/cosmetologist/dowling, meal delivery, etc.) Suitable for all business areas.
4. Free consultation.
Suitable for entrepreneurs, bloggers and experts who offer their services: from creating websites to accounting. You can also use non-standard. For example, a free skin type consultation to further sell a set of cosmetics.
5. Free webinar/marathon/master class.
Excellent option to introduce customers to their expertise/goods/services. Most often, free webinars can be found in a niche of infobusiness, but you can also sell your services / goods through this mechanic.