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Application Programming Interfaces APIs









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發表於 2024-2-27 18:02:52 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
They are the brains behind the scenes, designing and building the intricate systems that enable data storage, processing and communication." What Do Back-End Developers Do? Here are some key responsibilities and tasks typically associated with back-end developers: Server-Side Development : Back-end developers are responsible for writing code that runs on the server, handling requests from clients usually web browsers or mobile applications and generating responses.

Database Management : They design, develop and maintain databases that store and retrieve data efficiently. This includes defining data schemas, creating queries, and optimizing database performance. API Deve Cell Phone Number List lopment : Back-end developers often create that allow different parts of a software system to communicate with each other or allow third-party developers to access certain functionality of the system. Business Logic : They implement the core business logic of an application, including authentication, authorization, and any other complex algorithms or calculations required by the application. Improving Security .

Ensuring the security of data and systems is a crucial aspect of back-end development. Developers must protect against common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting XSS, and more. Development for Scalability : Back-end developers need to design systems that can handle increasing loads as an application gains popularity, ensuring that it remains responsive and performs well under heavy traffic.


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