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Number of competitors in keywords









Rank: 1

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本帖最後由 israt654322 於 2024-3-9 14:04 編輯

Write all these keywords in your list and create content about them so that in the next step we can measure the number of our competitors compared to the keywords we choose. Number of competitors in keywords Now that we have found a list of keywords related to our business, we need to see how many competitors we have for each keyword and see what titles our competitors rank under. For example, we search for the word "website design training":As you can see in this photo, our competitors are marked and we can see what titles our competitors were ranked under.

We can also use competitors' titles in our own content, because Kuwait Phone Number Data these titles could be ranked, so they can be useful for us. Now the word "website design training" itself is a very competitive word, and we can get better users to enter our website by choosing a longer and more targeted keyword, for example "website design training with WordPress". In this case, we made our keyword a bit longer, but more targeted, because I don't teach website design with html and css, and I don't want a user who is looking for training to come to my site, because it doesn't work and I get a negative score from Google.

I receive. Tip: Consider not to make your keywords unnecessarily long. For example: no user searches for "site design with WordPress considering Google's criteria" instead of this long phrase, the user searches for "site design with WordPress" or "Google's criteria for ranking", so don't make our keywords too long. Relevance of keywords to the website topic The most important issue that many people do not pay attention to is the relationship between the keyword and the website topic. As we mentioned at the beginning of the article.

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