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The Role of SEO in the Customer Retention Strategy









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發表於 2024-3-12 11:56:28 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
The digitalization of companies implies a new mentality in the organizations managers and workers. Technology does nothing by itself, people are needed behind it to give it use and meaning to achieve the digital transformation of the company for its benefit. Therefore, it is a reorientation of the business towards the application and use of emerging technologies. New call to action . What does the digitalization of companies consist of? The keys to digitalization Digital transformation in companies is mainly based on four keys The cultural change.

Organizational change. Training in digital competencies and skills necessary in the world Mexico Phone Number Data of work. The progressive incorporation of technologies. These keys are the basis of the digitalization process, therefore, they are present within the phases of the digitalization of a company. . Phases of the digitalization of a company We can talk about five phases within the digitalization process of a company. . Awareness and training If your business begins this change, all members must know how new technologies are changing the business world. Not only in the way they work, but also in what new consumers are like and how brands relate to them.

It is necessary, therefore, to carry out a study and analysis that leads to the cultural change of the company . The changes must begin with a modification in peoples mentality. Without that, there is no possibility of improvement. For this purpose it is very necessary to leave the comfort zone business evolution implies having a mind open to renewal. In the digital sphere, too. The fear of change is very present in our lives, also in the corporate field. It is precisely this fear that is causing many companies to be left behind, surpassed by others that have opted for the change towards digitalization.


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