The old tip about not accepting drinks from strangers also applies here. You never know what was placed inside a glass of dubious origin. Avoid a hangover all of the above measures, such as drinking water, eating light foods, drinking moderately, help to avoid a hangover. However, the old engov helps to alleviate the impact caused by the drink on the body. The ideal is to take one before and one after drinking. If you drink do not drive every day you see this phrase and every day we have to talk about it. Do you know why? Because the rates of accidents in which the driver was drunk remain extremely high. Alcohol is directly responsible for 21% of traffic accidents in brazil and, even so, one in four brazilians drives after drinking. You can't, people! If you have undergone treatment, stay away from drinking! If you have undergone chemical dependency treatment, whether for alcohol or other drugs, carnival and drinking may not be a good combination.
If you are an alcoholic, keep your distance for obvious reasons. If you have treated addiction to other drugs, we know that alcohol is a powerful trigger. But, if you really want to have fun and know that the environment can encourage drug use or alcohol consumption, follow these recommendations: 1 – first, talk to the professional who carried out Country Email List your treatment so that, together, you can find alternatives to inhibit the desire to drink and whether it is really viable to take the risk; 2 – if you go to the party, go with someone who can inhibit the consumption of alcohol or drugs. Ex: brother, friend, girlfriend, etc.; 3 – stay away from the group of people you invite or situations that motivate use; 4 – escape the risk situation as soon as you realize what it could result in.
If you went to the party, couldn't stand it, or had a lapse, seek professional help immediately to avoid letting this become a relapse. Carnival and drinking always go hand in hand. It's up to us to try to enjoy a party responsibly, without risks for ourselves or those we love. Do you have any questions about how to avoid problems with carnival and drinking? Contact us. We can help.Outpatient or inpatient treatment, which is the best option for drug addicts? Published on february 14, 2019 know the differences between outpatient treatment and hospitalization. The number of drug addicts has grown not only in brazil but throughout the world, which is why new treatment options for the disease have emerged. Thus, both outpatient and inpatient treatment for drug addicts become options for those facing the problem. However, when seeking help.