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Influencer marketing is growing, eCommerce is declining









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發表於 2024-4-30 17:24:53 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Dear readers, Global growth of 355 percent in just five years – other industries can only dream of such figures. What are we talking about? From influencer marketing, of course. The company Statista has calculated that companies worldwide will transfer $27.5 billion  to influencers in 2022 so that they can promote their products in return. Incidentally, more than half of this amount comes from the Chinese market. Germany is in fifth place with half a billion dollars. Those: wuv.de Even though the average annual growth rate in influencer marketing has recently slowed to “only” 20 percent, the numbers make it clear: influencer marketing is the strongest driving force in the advertising stable . We have summarized further industry insights for you in this newsletter.

1. How trustworthy are influencers? Is it true that consumers are more likely to trust the recommendation of an influencer than, for example, television advertising? Not necessarily: 74 percent Colombia Phone Number List  of consumers surveyed find product placement on TV to be trustworthy - influencer marketing is just below that at 71 percent . This is what the market research company Nielsen found in its current “ Influence Scope Report ”. However: Only around a third of those surveyed trust online banners, social media ads or search engine ads. If you rely on online advertising, you should choose influencer marketing.

hose: horizont.net 2. Everdrop: Growth thanks to influencer marketing The founders Chris Becker and David Löwe got off to a clean start with their cleaning products company Everdrop. To promote their environmentally friendly dishwashing tabs, detergents and toilet cleaners, the two rely (among other things) on the traction of super-influencer Pamela Reif  - with 8.95 million subscribers, the most successful YouTuber in Germany. The investment has now paid off: the Munich start-up raised  80 million euros in fresh capital in a financing round . Those: businessinsider.de 3. Where consumers are currently saving – and where not E-commerce sales also fell in the second quarter - by 9.6 percent compared to the same period last year.


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