The graph shows that views of posts grew to 20,000 in one hour If the cheating is not so obvious, you can understand how the views were formed, again, by the presence of impressions of the post in other channels. They appear under the eye icon next to the desired post. Where to see in more detail the number of views and reposts Where to see in more detail the number of views and reposts Read also: Study of audience behavior in Telegram - what has changed at the turn of 2022-23. Cheating reactions in Telegram Reactions are used for voting, feedback, and engaging subscribers. They can be cheated to falsify survey results or create a crowd effect.
The cost of services for boosting emotions in Telegram in a random service. The cost of services for boosting emotions in Telegram in a random service. You can determine the boost by eye by the ratio of views to reactions. Normally, a few percent of those who watch Web Development Services react to a post, for example: 1,500 out of 100,000. Moreover, the number of reactions is approximately the same from post to post. Also, the increase in likes in Telegram can be determined by the graph in the “Subscriber Engagement” section. As you already understand, smooth graphs are good. As you already understand, smooth graphs are good. Sharp peaks in the engagement graph - either extremely successful posts.

Or mentions, or promotion in Telegram - are easier to determine if you analyze the indicators in aggregate. Sharp peaks in engagement graph - either extremely successful posts, or mentions, or promotion in Telegram - it is easier to determine if you analyze the indicators in aggregate. Boosting comments in Telegram Used to influence the opinion and mood of subscribers, imitate activity on the channel, and create the illusion of popularity. It’s easy to identify fake comments by: their uniformity; lack of specifics; an abundance of emojis and exclamation marks; advertising content.