Produce electricity? In power plants, a generator is needed , located on the same axis as the turbine to convert the kinetic energy of rotation into electricity. Depending on the primary source of energy used to drive this turbine, there are several ways to produce electricity . It should be noted that the only one that does not require a current generator Phone Number List and a turbine to generate electricity is photovoltaic solar energy. Hydraulic energy or hydroelectricity : it is the generation of electrical energy through the force of the water of rivers or seas (tidal energy). Thermal energy : this is the generation of electricity by burning fossil fuels. Nuclear energy : electrical energy is obtained through nuclear fission reactions. Wind energy : electricity is generated by taking advantage of the kinetic energy of the wind. Solar energy : electrical energy is produced thanks to the photovoltaic effect.

Geothermal energy : the heat from inside the earth is used to generate electrical energy. Hydrogen energy : obtaining energy occurs thanks to the burning of hydrogen. Types of power plants how is electricity produced? Releasing the energy contained in a raw material . We tell you in which types of power plants it is possible. Among them you will find traditional power plants (thermoelectric, nuclear and hydroelectric) and alternative power plants (wind, solar thermal, tidal and wind). Solar thermal they are industrial facilities in which the sun's energy is used to produce electricity . A fluid is heated with solar radiation, where steam is generated, which drives a turbine that is connected to the generator. In solar thermal power plants, solar radiation needs to be concentrated so that high temperatures are reached , between 600°c and 1000°c, and thus achieve good performance in the thermodynamic cycle.