He is also one of the founders of RIPE and worked together with NSFNET.Source:WikipediaVan Jacobson – born in the United States in . This computer scientist is best known for his work on improving TCP/IP protocols scaling and network performance. His work is instrumental to the TCP/IP as we know it today and its role in establishing the internet.Source:WikipediaTechnologies & companiesInternet Exchange Point – also referred to as IXP or IX. This physical infrastructure allows CDNs content delivery networks and ISPs internet service providers to exchange traffic between networks.
They reduce the traffic that needs to be delivered through upstream transit suppliers.Source India Mobile Database WikipediaThe User’s Directory of Computer Networks – published in , this book is the guide through internet networks. It helps readers learn how to use the internet while learning about all the research, academics, and discoveries that contributed to computer networks.Source:ScienceDirectRIPE – the RIPE Network Coordination l internet registry for Europe.

But today it covers the Middle East, Russia, West Asia, and former USSR countries. It was the first registry of its kind with the job of overseeing internet numbers and registration.Source:WikipediaEUnet – a network of UNIX sites in Europe that evolved into a commercial network EUnet. This was the first public WLAN and played a crucial role in using TCP/IP as a standard for internet connections in Europe.Source:WikipediaTransmission Control Protocol .