Mary Beth Swick HubSpot Content Marketing HubSpot Blog Do you know the benefits of having a blog in your company? These range from better organic positioning to increased lead generation. In addition, having a blog will make you part of the of the top Fortune companies that have created a corporate blog as of . Currently, companies that do not have a blog stand out and not in a good way. However, creating it for the simple fact of having one is a mistake You must think carefully and take into account the elements that a blog should always have. Keep reading to learn all the steps you need to take to set up your corporate blog in HubSpot. About HubSpot HubSpot office with bloggers sitting If you are thinking about choosing HubSpot, you will undoubtedly be betting on the perfect platform to carry out any inbound marketing and sales strategy.
HubSpot is an allinone platform that integrates all aspects of your business strategy, from A Complete List Of Unit Mobile Number List marketing to sales and service, shaping your CRM. Its a place where you can track traffic and leads on every page and post. of BB marketers consider that articles are the best content to guide potential clients through the sales funnel, and with HubSpot you can publish your content that allows you to capture leads and nurture them through different channels email marketing, social media, paid campaigns. Below we explain in detail the best practices for setting up your blog on HubSpot successfully Steps to set up a blog in HubSpot To set up your corporate blog on HubSpot, you must first create or select a blog template.

This can be done on the HubSpot Marketplace where there are hundreds of both free and paid options. The templates allow customization so you can apply your own branding and content structure. Once the templates are created, you just have to follow these steps in the main navigation bar and go to Website > Blog. Click Create new blog and set an internal name for your blog. Select a language for your blog. Set up your blogs domain and URL. This must be done at your hosting provider. Select a template for your blog posts and listing page. Finish by clicking Create Blog.