How to make money as a blogger? How to find a niche (topic) to make money blogging How to come up with many ideas for writing blog posts Balance your personality in your blog posts while still making money 9 blog post templates that attract views and have high conversion rates How to always keep motivated to write articles and develop a blog 0 VND marketing guide so that more people know about the blog How to work quickly and effectively for bloggers Nhung Phung Nhung Phung Nhung is a blogger and CEO of 5 online business projects including E-dulich, Localvietnam, Fulago, Local-Bali and kiemtienonlinehub.
With 8 years of experience, Nhung has a lot of practical knowledge to share with you DB to Data about online marketing, content writing, and online business. Related Articles Business household Phung Thi Thao Nhung (Nhung Phung) Business registration num, Pham Ngoc leiku. Copyright of all content and videos on the website belongs toWhy can making a website/blog make moneyeople who have never done anything related to a website or making money online (MMO) will definitely ask this question to Nhung.

Actually, think simply like this: A website is a channel for you to put product and service information so that customers can buy it and from there you can make money. If you don't do online business, you will be a blogger and do marketing to get readers to visit your blog. affiliate marketing, consulting services,... With a website, you will not spend a lot of startup costs because: You can blog about what customers search for and then use SEO techniques to push the article to the top of Google to attract viewers to your website. So you don't have to spend advertising costs and still get customers.