The second is MySQL , an open source relational database that, as you can imagine, uses the SQL language. This is the database responsible for storing all the content on your site, including not only blog posts and pages, but also titles, color settings, widget layout, etc. When someone accesses your site, WordPress sends PHP commands to obtain information from MySQL and from there presents the page in question to visitors. It is at this point where the error we are talking about comes in. ADVERTISEMENT When, for whatever reason, PHP commands are not enough to access the SQL database, it causes confusion in the WordPress system . It's as if the CMS doesn't know how to react to such a situation.
So the only action left is to display the dreaded screen: Error establishing Telegram Number Data a database connection Source: WordPress In any case, there is no reason to despair, since, in the vast majority of cases, it is an error that can be solved without major problems. But before talking about solutions, let's understand the causes of the problem. What are the factors that cause this error? As with most problems that can arise in the digital landscape, it is not possible to identify a specific cause without analyzing the situation . However, we can point out the most common causes and, with that, prepare to deal with the error.

After all, only by identifying exactly what is causing the failure can steps be taken to resolve it. Next, we will explain some of the main factors that make connecting to the database difficult. Keep reading! Incorrect credentials If the error occurs shortly after migrating your site , the most likely cause is the use of incorrect credentials . However, this can be the cause of the problem even in situations that do not involve a migration. Basically, WordPress uses the login information, registered in wp-config.php, to access the database, if for some reason the credentials are incorrect or outdated, the platform will display the error establishing a database connection . ADVERTISEMENT Corrupt database If your login credentials are up to date and therefore not a problem, it's time to look for other causes. Another fairly common problem has to do with corrupted data.