Therefore, the alt tag provides valuable information to search engines. The weight of the image will determine the loading speed of the page. Therefore, we must lighten them as much as possible without sacrificing their quality. The format of the images also influences . Search engines prefer . png , and . gif about the rest. And, as we have previously mentioned, send the search engines a sitemap of images to facilitate their indexing. in SEO positioning In recent years, the importance that Google gave to this content format has grown .
As you may have seen, Google is already beginning to show Denmark WhatsApp Number Data video results in its search rankings, so we have to incorporate the optimization of this content into our SEO positioning strategy. Therefore, we will be guided by the following criteria The title must also contain the keywords, be attractive and have a length of no more than characters (since we will not only want to position it on YouTube but also on Google itself) . The description is also very important when positioning the video, so you should optimize it.

The first two or three lines will be the ones that appear in the search results, so try to make them attractive and descriptive of the video. Tag the video always thinking about how the user is going to search for you. Social activity is essential to position videos. Therefore, set privacy to allow users to share, vote, and comment on the video. Embed the video on all the platforms over which you have control (as long as they logically deal with the same topic).